How do I fill out the Evaluation form?

Upon receiving the Evaluation Form, the first thing to do is fill out the Information Sheet (Info).

Subsequently, you must fill out the “Evaluation” tab, more specifically the “To be filled by the Applicant” section.

This section contains the following columns:

  • “Compliance”. Here you must select one option from the drop-down list: “Complies, Does Not Comply or Does Not Apply”
  • “Form of compliance”: Explain how your organization complies with a given criterion.
  • “Support Documents”: Here you must write the name of the document that you attach to prove compliance with criterion.

There are some cases in which no document can be sent since it is considered that compliance with those criteria can only be proven via a self-declaration; that is, there is no document that serves to verify compliance with a given criterion, so it is considered fulfilled when the member declares that he/she “Complies” by choosing this option on the form.

Once completed, you must send it to the CE enclosing the annexes (support documents) specified in the “Docs” tab.