What are the stages of the certification process?

The process consists of 6 general stages:

  1. Certification Request: Request certification via platform. Here you must select the Certification Entity you prefer.
  2. Eligibility Period (21 days maximum): An evaluation is carried out to check that the Organization or Company complies with the Principles and Values of SPP and with the critical criteria of SPP’s General Standard
  3. Submission and Acceptance of Quote: The Certification Entity (CE) sends you a cost Proposal for the evaluation. The Organization reviews and/or accepts it.
  4. Evaluation. Carry out a self-evaluation to check whether you comply with the criteria of the General Standard. The CE reviews it and, if necessary, asks for more information.
  5. Evaluation Report and Resolution. The CE, taking into account the results of the evaluation, issues a positive or negative Resolution.
  6. Signing the User Agreement and Certificate Delivery. If the Resolution was positive, an SPP User Agreement is signed and your SPP Certificate is delivered.

For more information, you can consult the Certification or Registration procedures in their entirety here: