What are the minimum requirements that I must meet to obtain the SPP certification?

Your organization must be legally and democratically constituted…

A producer who wants to be SPP certified exceeds 15 hectares, what should I do?

SPP’s General Standard establishes that 85% of the Small Producers…

To certify and sell my product under SPP conditions, do I need an Organic Certificate for my products?

Yes, products can only be sold under SPP conditions if they…

My organic certification is not recognized by SPP Global, what can I do?

In case your organic certification is not on the "List of Organic…

My Intermediary/Maquila Company is not SPP Registered, what should I do?

If your Organization is unable to carry out processing, exportation…

My SPO is a second level SPO, do I have to certify all producers?

In the case of second, third or fourth level Small Producers’…